Posted on May 24, 2020


Today is Sunday, May 24, 2020

Six days ago, I shared with the amazing Mindful Movement community my personal experience of being overwhelmed.  Just this morning I woke up to the continuation of even more supportive comments coming in on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, the website, as well as in my email inbox.  The generosity of spirit in these challenging times is tremendous. Even now I am reminded of how meaningful it is to practice gratitude.

We have received more donations in the last 6 days than possibly ever.

I have taken a few days off of work to re-fill my own energy and spirit so that I can continue to do what I love and help others.  For me, that looks like nourishing movement, rest and reflection, connecting with my family and with nature.  I took time to work in the garden, pot up some house plants, paint, and read a book.  Even cleaning the house felt like I was taking the time to take care of me.  I was able to stop and be grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and the safety of myself and my family.

As the messages began to come in, I had the desire to reply to each one individually; I quickly became obvious that it was not going to be possible. But, know this: I have personally read each and every heartfelt comment and I am beyond touched by the sentiments offered to me. To say I am grateful for the opportunity to have some small part in helping, to receive kind words from so many people, and to share in your stories of courage and overcoming challenge feels like an understatement.  I cannot express in words how much love, admiration, compassion, and connection I have for all of you.

I hope you are also able to take some time for your own re-filling when you need it.  I’d like to think the world as a whole will benefit in some way from this slowing down.  I know there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. But, until then, we have to take care of ourselves and one another.

I look forward to practicing with you again soon. With tremendous gratitude,
