Posted on Jan 22, 2025

Do you feel worthy this week? Worthy to receive and experience:

  • Love (from yourself and other humans)?
  • Good treatment?
  • Abundance in many forms (money, time, experiences, care, attention?)
  • Satisfaction?
  • Contentment?
  • Calm and peace?

Many of us survive each week in a hustle culture that tells us we have to earn everything we get. And while it’s true that doing good work helps ourselves and our communities, we are inherently worthy to receive gifts from this life simply because we exist.

Here’s the rub, though. Our brains may tell us we are worthy. It’s a concept we can mentally embrace. 

But how do you FEEL it? How do you embody worthiness? How does that feeling radiate out into your life and become actionably true?

BTW—when we don’t feel worthy from the inside out, we can fall into the traps of:

  • Perfectionism (because unless we get something “right”, we can’t relax and feel deserving of completion and rest.)
  • Workaholism (because more work = more worthiness in our own brains)
  • Addiction (because at least there is a temporary escape from feeling like a continual failure.)
  • Codependency (getting our worth from worrying about/controlling others)

Pro tip for cultivating self-worth this week:

Imagine a child you know or knew once. Think of something you really liked about that child, and tell them so in your head. 

Now, imagine yourself at that same age. What’s one thing you really can appreciate about that younger you? Write down that attribute. (Like “Dear 13 Year Old Me: I really love that you wear bright colors every week that make you feel happy on cold winter days.”)

Keep it simple and short. Let the compliment sink in and let yourself accept the praise without defensiveness or explanation. Remind yourself of that praise when you feel stressed out or low during the day. 

Then, be sure to grab your copy of You Are Not Broken. I dive deeper into worthiness and how to dismantle the “unworthy” messages you picked up along your journey in ways your mind can fully accept and adopt. 


You can order your copy of You Are Not Broken by clicking the title anywhere in this post. 


Bonus: During the next few months, I’ll be publishing a series of meditative processes inspired by and supportive of the book, You Are Not Broken.  Here are the first few to kick off your journey with me through the book. Let’s find peace and joy together and sustain it all year long.

Meanwhile, I hope you can accept the message that you have SO much worth that you never have to earn. 

Sending you so much value,

