Posted on Jan 29, 2025

People pleasing. Self-sacrifice. Extreme empathy. Care taking. Trying to control outcomes or people. Perfectionism. Relentless comparison and striving. 

This is how many of us cope when we feel less intrinsically worthy than others–like our own needs don’t matter (or we don’t even know what they are!) 

What some deep part of us knows is that it shouldn’t be this way. That we shouldn’t have to work so hard to get approval, love, rest, acceptance, and satisfaction in our lives. (Even though good work that we love has a place in every human experience.) 

The truth is that we come into this world with the seeds of everything we need to live a big, full, satisfying life. 

Along the way, despite our caregivers’ best intentions, we pick up limiting messages and beliefs about our value and our capabilities and our worthiness. We learn to “police” ourselves before others can criticize us. We run ourselves down before others can.

We also live in a hustle-and-grind culture that rewards overwork and exhaustion, while putting off rest and recovery until the ever-elusive next benchmark is achieved.

Deep down, our bodies know the truth. We KNOW there is a better way, but we’ve forgotten how to get there. And so, we create coping skills like the ones I mentioned above to somehow feel okay about ourselves. 

Those skills work for a while, but at some point, we hit a breaking point where we just can’t keep up the pace any more. Symptoms show. Our brains buckle under the pressure to perform.

To create lasting change and peace in our minds, plus really ENJOY and RECEIVE the gifts life can offer us, we have to believe we are worthy and valuable—without even one more success or win.  

Once you make this shift in your mind and heart, it is often surprising how abundant and affirming your life can feel. How you naturally take action to ensure your OWN needs are met. You get to rest and recover, enjoy healthy and balanced relationships, and success without the hamster wheel of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Creating a strong sense of self-worth is a crucial teaching in my new book, You Are Not Broken.

You can order your copy of You Are Not Broken by clicking the title anywhere in this post. 

Bonus: During the next few months, I’ll be publishing a series of meditative processes inspired by and supportive of the book, You Are Not Broken.  Here are the first two to kick off your journey with me through the book. Let’s find peace and joy together and sustain it all year long.

Until then, I send gratitude to your coping skills—they’ve gotten you this far and helped you as much as they could. It’s time for you RECEIVE now—and relax into your own self-worth. It’s already there inside you.

Let’s uncover it together.

